This month, At the Ready is taking the liberty to design your next Tactical Operations Command (TOC). We are bringing the products we saw at the InfoComm Trade show in June, and providing the “legos” and ideas to meet YOUR needs. You know what your agency needs best. For smaller agencies, perhaps you haven’t seen the “realm of the possible” yet.
We are hoping these articles will inform your next upgrade, purchase, redesign, etc. We are bringing everything from “Weatherproof” cases for your existing display to full collaboration software suites that share critical data across agencies. These designs and ideas are primarily the work of Dave Dillinger and Mike Kennedy. Together, they have over 35 years of experience in technology integration, experimentation, and yes, running TOCs.
Incident Command is always viewed in hindsight, never at the time of the incident, during the crazy, with the acknowledgment that there are things responders can control, and things they can’t. We get it. Pictured perfectly by my favorite Fire Engineering Cartoonist, Paul Combs:

At the Ready is dedicated to finding solutions for your gaps. So dedicated that Michelle wore new shoes to Infocomm… and had blisters for two weeks. But I digress. I can’t WAIT to see all of you Southeast Responders in FEMA Region IV at the September Expo in beautiful Columbus, Georgia. Attendance and classes are free. Register now, because they are filling up!
With warmest regards,